Berty Button Gets a Team



Berty Button Gets a Team

Berty Button Gets a Team
Authors Marlene Rattigan, Janeen Bradley and Illustrator Ryan Jones.

‘There are big trucks, little trucks and everything in between but only one Berty Button with his beautiful jelly beans.’ This is the opening of the story as we meet our hero, a massive truck covered in jelly beans.

Suitable for children aged 4-8 years and brilliantly illustrated by Ryan Jones, this is the first book in the Berty Button series. It is about how Berty Button comes to acquire two more members of the Berty Button fleet. It is very funny and endearing. When a complicated problem arises, the new recruits decide to solve the problem themselves as ‘we can’t let Berty Button down’ and so become worthwhile members of the fleet.

$15.00 plus postage

Berty Button Gets a Team